Your home away from home...
...on the Emerald Coast
Our Charitable Committee will consider all qualified
not for profit organization requests that meet our guidelines.
You are encouraged to apply well in advance of projected funding date.
Requests must be submitted at least 30 days prior to when the money is needed, in order to give the charitable liaison time to bring the request to our monthly board meeting. Some requests may take longer to process depending on board meeting dates.
Funds will benefit groups/organizations associated with TEAM Eglin- Active Duty, Reserves,
Retired, Civilians, and Dependents.
Funds will benefit the greater military community (local and national organizations which
support military personnel and their families).
If neither of the above considerations apply, at least 40% of those who will benefit from funds
must be a part of the greater military community.
Since the Eglin Spouses’ Club provides its own scholarship awards, funds will not be given to
sponsor other scholarship awards/programs.
Funds given by the Eglin Spouses’ Club may not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.
Funds cannot be paid to an individual.
If your request does not meet the criteria established, it will not be considered.
Charitable requests are not considered after an event or charitable need has passed.
Return completed form to:
Eglin Spouse' Club
Attn: Charitable Chairman
P.O. Box 1862
Eglin AFB, FL 32542